
Feels Like Summer Camp

I haven't been living in Ireland very long, but on my first trip back to the USA I have been asked often "How do you like it over there?". My standard response seems to be, "It's different!". I know that's rather vague, but it's the best I can do. If I had to guess people are expecting me to gush and say things like "It's amazing, I love it!". Don't get me wrong, I am not unhappy, but I am also not in love. To be fair I was not so in love with Raleigh NC the entire first year we moved there, but that eventually changed over time.
Unfortunately what we don't have is time to grow and cultivate a love for our new home because at some point in the next six months or so, Adam will be rotating to a different position within his company which most likely means a different country.

I often think back to summer camp when I was a kid. In the beginning everything is new and exciting, you are meeting your bunk mates, your counselors, and the variety of activities keep you so busy that you don't have time to miss home. About half way through when you start to settle in, you may get a twinge of homesickness, wouldn't mind eating mom's home cookin' etc. However, by the last day of camp you're saying tearful good byes to your new best friends and can't possibly imagine going home, and the inevitable end of summer.

I have a feeling that for me living abroad is sort of like the summer camp experience.  It is an exciting opportunity, and I am going to continue to have fun, and make new friends, and go on adventures, but ultimately summer camp will end.  Adam and I are likely to return to the US someday wishing camp (our time living abroad) didn't have to end. However right now I am wishing my time in the states did not have to end.  Sort of the reverse effect I guess.  It's been wonderful being back, visiting friends and family, but today is my last day...(sigh!)  On a happy note, I am looking forward to getting back to my husband, new friends, and adventures ahead!  Home is where Adam is, and I miss it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm slightly jealous of your summer camp adventure. Miss your lunches!

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