
Turkey Day Blues

Sad to report that Turkey day was kind of a bust for us here in Ireland. The friend who originally offered up her home for our traditional Thanksgiving meal had a conflict last minute. This was the first time in seven years that I have not cooked the Thanksgiving meal, and I was slightly heartbroken. Not to mention NO LEFTOVERS!

All was not lost. however. An American friend living in Dublin, Hannah, invited me along to a proper American turkey day meal. I had a such a wonderful time sitting around the dinner table with eight relative strangers chatting about our new lives in Ireland, the experiences, challenges, and the things we miss about the states (there was a lengthy discussion about Chick-Fil-A).

Unfortunately Adam had to attend a work dinner and so he missed the Turkey and all the goodness that goes along with it! So when we returned to Cork yesterday we proceeded directly to the market and bought everything we will need for our own private Turkey day a week too late! You know what they say, better late than never! So Tuesday I plan on serving up all the turkey with all the fixins right down to the pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce!

Stay tuned for this week's What's Cookin' Wednesday as I will do my best to hit the highlights! 

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