
What Are You Gawking At?

Quick Friday post here!  Yesterday I shared with you one of my favorite new websites http://pinterest.com/ in this post. It got me thinking about another internet time sucker I feel is totally worth sharing. For those of you still stuck at a desk unable to surf the web, take heart, the weekend is only a few hours away and then you will be able to explore the wonders of the universe  Gawkerverse!

Gawker-What?!  Gawkerverse, a network of inspirational, user-submitted photo gallery sites which includes: 


My personal favorite is foodgawker.  I love scrolling through the endless pages of mouthwatering photos.  Sunday nights in my house you will typically find me curled up on the couch trying not to drool on my Ipad while seraching the gawkerverse for inspiration for my weekly menus. Like Pinterest if something looks drool worthy a simple click of the photo links you to the original site which typically has the recipe! 

So, happy Friday to everyone!  I am all for you getting out, enjoying the weather, and drinking a beer this weekend, but if you find some downtime or need an escape from the world around you, don't forget you can always go to the gawkerverse!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - the foodgawker page is too amazing. Thanks for sharing!
